Worship in God's waiting room

Thoughts after visiting a few declining congregations.

We wait in quiet anticipation;
a small bunch winnowed
by demographic law
and chance.

Our weary, aching frames
now bear burdens
of regret, fragmented memories,
confusion and desperate longing.

These we bring, along with
tales of love, and ventures bold
and triumphs shared
in distant times.

Here, in this sanctuary
built to house a crowd
of rising praising voices
we wait in isolation.

What will our worship bring this day?
Will it bring crafted clever words
and echoes of a distant past?
Will it bring solemnity and dignity?

Will scripture be read but not proclaimed?
Will forgiveness be declared, but not delivered?
Will the reign of love be announced
but remain skin deep?

Please do this for us, and do it well.
Understand our needs
and speak comfortably to them.
Know how it feels to walk the narrow path to death.

Share our quiet distress.
Listen to us again and again.
Tell us Good News for our late hour.
Journey with us, hold our hands, enfold our hearts.

Let us know for sure
the journey's been worthwhile
despite the sins and stumbles
and brokenness.

Demonstrate to us
that we are loved.

© Karel Reus

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