
My restless mind scans the vista
of a life now almost run its course.

I seek the signs of paths and tracks
I once had thought were straight and true,
though now I see they twist and turn
with little reason.

I seek those rises where
I planned for ventures bold and brave.
I seek the valleys dark
where, brooding, I had lost my way.

Where are the mighty towers that I have raised
to mark my passing;
where I declared that this brief life
was worthy of attention;
where I, like Darius of old,
had carved upon the rock in bold conceit
"See, I have made this world a better place"?
Why is it that I can no longer find
these monuments to me?

I see life’s wasteland now
for what it is;
blighted way-stops,
lost hopes and chance diversions.
I see this wildness now
for what it is;

It will be best by far
to find myself in smallness,
knowing that my legacy is
little more than this -
that I was here, and that I’ve gone,
that I once passed this way,
my life’s tread too light to leave a mark.
Put simply, I just was, and in my was-ness
I loved a little, cried a lot,
learned much, forgot too soon,
built castles in the air
and made, at times,
together with fellow pilgrims far too few,
a we-were-here-ness that left
some trace somewhere, sometime, somehow.

© Karel Reus


  1. Karel,

    Much thanks for your poetry. I have read much of it.
    Your poetic musings resonate in many ways. Keep musing.


  2. Thanks for your reflection Karel, Could be my sentiments Bill
