As if...!

Science and maths tells me
that it's in the nature of the cosmos
that nothing is certain
and that probability rules all.
Nothing is dead-set predictable
and every event sits on a spectrum
between the not-conceivable
and the highly-likely.

So, we step gingerly over and between
eggshell-thick possibilities
and probabilities and likelihoods
and weigh up our chances
of getting where we want to go
without too much damage done.
But things never go to plan,
though plan we must.
We are forced to live AS IF...

We must set goals AS IF they are attainable.
We must pursue love AS IF it will last.
We must laugh AS IF life is fun.
We must do good AS IF it makes a difference.
We must lead AS IF we know where we are going.
We must trust AS IF our leaders have some sense.
We must build AS IF our monuments will last.

A life lived AS IF is not fantasy or illusion;
it's a serious and risk-full business
not to be taken lightly.
And the measure of a life well-lived
is the acceptance of the ups and downs,
and ins and outs and achievements and failures.
To live AS IF is to be human
and to walk in faith and hope.

© Karel Reus

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