Retired Preacher

Retired preacher,
left high and dry,
without a flock,
without the weekly gig
of sermonising.
Take comfort.
You are released from pretence,
and walking tightropes
over vertiginous convention
and orthodoxy,

What will you do, retired preacher?
Take a trip, perhaps,
or read some books,
play golf,
attend theatre,
make things,
grow things,
and forget,
(if that is possible),
the call,
once loud and clear,
to save souls,
demand justice,
administer the means of grace,
and declare
Good News.

Been there! Done that!
You've done your bit.
It's up to others now.

Think again, retired preacher!
A door has opened,
not closed.
Ahead is time,
perhaps a decade,
give or take,
when you might
breathe fresh air,
by the politics of faith,
when you might
speak your mind.

Now is the time to speak, retired preacher.
No better time, in fact.
The thought police can't get you now.
No need to toe the Party Line.
At long, long, last
you can tell it as it is,
express your certainties and doubts,
declare allegiances
and show a way forward
without looking back.
And if there is no audience;
no docile congregation,
be brave,
and write it down
and cast it like bread
upon the water,
and trust,
and trust again
your words will find a shore.

© Karel Reus

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