
The Benedictines embrace it.
The Amish live by it.
The Buddhists commit to it.
Islam demands it.

It is the silent space of spirit
and the heart-wrought home of soul.
It is the breath of God.
It is enveloping presence
of the great ground of being.


Go with the flow.
Suppress ego,
banish pride,
cast self aside,
disdain hurly burly,
and listen, listen.
Let silence speak
and in humility
pray, and pray again,
speaking only when you're spoken to.


            Yeah! Right!
            More easily said than done.
            It goes against the grain;
            requires work and close attention.
            It smacks of cowardice;
            and escape from duty.
            It seems a way to avoid issues;
            a cringing retreat.
            Weren't we meant to strive
            and prove our worth
            and pull our weight
            to show our faith?


But submission
is far from cowardly retreat.
Acceptance of the way things are
is not excuse for sloth.
Clear sight leads to knowing,
and knowing shows what needs be done.

            In gelassenheit we see the God
            that walks ahead
            and on the track he marks for us
            we may also walk.


© Karel Reus

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