Cui bono? (Who benefits?) *

I do not benefit
from ecclesial claptrap
couched in formal cadences
from churchy high places.

I do not benefit
from dogmatic gobbledygook
delivered sealed, signed, certified
from learned sources.

I do not benefit
from mystery parading as certainty,
impeding the quest for knowledge
with false starts and clues.

I benefit from truth;
truth said, truth thought,
truth done, truth taught,
truth the respecter of doubt,
truth uttered plainly,
truth lived with conviction.

I benefit from beauty;
beauty made, beauty seen,
beauty felt, beauty heard,
beauty the fruit of spontaneity,
beauty the child of labour,
beauty lived with joy.

I benefit from labour;
labour earnest, labour content,
labour productive, labour meaningful,
labour for its own sake,
labour sharing God's work,
labour done with dignity.

I benefit from love;
love from the heart, love boundless,
love with no conditions, love harnessed,
love challenged, love tested,
love the font of compassion,
love from need, love from duty.

I benefit from pain;
pain that tests, pain that teaches,
pain shared in anguish,
pain banished, pain defeated,
pain that brings me close to God,
pain the measure of my person.

I benefit from my humanity;
humanity distilled from cosmic chaos,
moving closer, ever closer,
to imago dei.**
I dare believe that I may also play a part
as God's stumbling helper.

I benefit from Jesus;
by what he said, by what he did,
by the roads he walked, by the meals he ate,
by his cures, his blessings,
by his challenges and condemnations.

I benefit from Jesus as imago dei perfecta, ***
and live in hope that by imitation and the grace of God
I too may be of benefit.

*Cui bono?: Who benefits? (pron. Kwee bono)
**imago dei: Image of God
***imago dei perfecta: Perfect image of God

© Karel Reus

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