© Karel Reus
Let's talk. Let's talk about things from the inside. Let's share perspectives and ideas.
Decisions, decisions...!
© Karel Reus
If only...
© Karel Reus
Celebrating liminality
Rejoicing in elderhood
As my rapidly accelerating life moves into overdrive,
and as it reaches and passes the speed of eighty years per hour
I find myself entering a liminal landscape
where all caution can be thrown to the wind,
and where the approaching precipice
is not a threat but an invitation.
At last, at last,
I can allow my captive spirit a chance to roam;
to think what it may and to say what it will.
The guardians of correctness no longer have a hold on me.
Rejoicing in my elder-hood, I am free.
In this new land-on-the-edge I am both king and subject; ruler and ruled.
Since I am defined by the world as irrelevant,
I will celebrate irrelevance in final acts of resistance and rebellion,
and as for the censure of my younger betters,
well frankly, my dears, I don't give a damn.
I will leave traces of my errant thought
like so much scat in the undergrowth.
You have been warned.
Be careful where you walk!
© Karel Reus
There seems so little time between them. It seems like only yesterday we committed his wife to sacred memory. On that sad day we heard...
Aging friend; what shall we speak of on this final stretch of life-time's path? The horizon is uncomfortably close with no go...
Be still, please, just be still, and quiet too, lest your loose tongue intrudes, when dumbness is by far the best res...