Ageing friend...

Aging friend;

what shall we speak of

on this final stretch

of life-time's path?

The horizon is uncomfortably close

with no goal visible;

no city grand,

nor mountain peak,

nor treasure trove.

We're simply tempted onward

by "perhaps", and "maybe"

and "chance" and "happenstance"

and promises, promises,

such abundant promises,

that random pave the way on this rough road

that leads to only God knows where.

Aging friend,

the words we share

support or hinder.

Let's select our words

with care, old mate.

There was a time

when we could toss our words

into the void

and little care where they would fall.

Now words more precious are

and we should deal them from our deck

as if they might reveal, perchance,

a winning hand.

Let us speak, dear aging friend

of strife faced and conquered,

of love gained and lost,

of friends and foes,

of joy and deep regret,

of sin and restitution,

of gentleness,

of loved ones come and gone,

of failure and success,

of faith and doubt.
And let the chit and chat

of our so shallow age

be judged by wiser age-cured words

from our matured

and practiced lips.

© Karel Reus

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